Frequently asked questions

You can learn more from our frequently asked questions

1. Membership

Membership is open to all. An individual is eligible for membership if he/she is in the possession of the following qualifications:

  • Over 18 years
  • Teachers and TSC employees
  • All civil servants and salaried employees
  • Business community
  • Spouse or child of any of the above who must be 18 years of age and above

The following documents are required:

  • A fully filled membership application form
  • Copy of the National Identity Card (Both sides)
  • Two recent color passport size photographs.
  • Favorable interest rates on loans
  • High annual dividends and interest on deposits
  • Instant M-Kitui Trs Sacco FOSA loans
  • Repaying a Sacco builds your savings and encourages you to save
  • We give loans on reducing balance
  • Loan clearance on behalf of members

Share capital

Share capital is the money invested in the Sacco by the members/shareholders. It is a permanent/long-term member’s contribution toward the Sacco capital and forms part of Sacco equity. It represents your ownership of the Sacco, currently, each member has a minimum of 100 Shares valued at KES 100. 


Deposits mean a balance that is established and maintained by a member at a SACCO that confers membership rights to that person, these are the regular monthly deposits. They are used to determine eligibility for a loan and can only be withdrawn when one ceases to be a member. Deposits can be used as loan security; and are withdraw-able members’ savings.

The share capital is non-refundable and is only transferable to an existing Sacco member or sold to a Sacco member when you cease being a member.

Partial withdrawal of shares is not allowed, nor offsetting part of an outstanding loan. A member is only allowed to offset his/her deposits against his/her loan if he/she ceases to be a member. He/she must then pay off the balance immediately if any before withdrawing from the Sacco.

  • Employer Check off
  • Sacco or Bank standing order
  • M-Pesa Pay bill 417315
  • Through *882*
  • Mobile App
  • Sacco Agents
  • Over the counter cash deposit

2. Loan Eligibility

When the first share contribution is received. If the loan amount applied is more than 3 times the deposits, a portion of the loan amount will be used to boost shares to qualify for that amount.

Once the first contribution contribution is received, which entails the monthly contribution, and registration fee contribution. In the event, that the loan amount applied is more than 3 times the member’s deposits, a portion of the loan amount will be used to boost his/her deposits to qualify for the loan.
  • Fully completed loan application form
  • The number of guarantors is dependent on the type of loan and their total deposit amount. They must be active members and have contributed towards their deposits for at least six months. Guarantors’ and applicant’s shares MUST be equal to or more than the loan applied for.
  • Three current pay slips certified by the applicant’s employer’s payroll, MUST be attached to the application.
  • Attach copy of National ID/Valid Passport

You can either boost by paying cash or applying for a loan and retaining some amount to boost your deposits.

Yes. All you need is to provide the current loan statement from the bank/other institutions when applying for the loan.

The security for BOSA loans are your deposits and guarantors, who should be members of the Sacco and remit their contributions every month.

A member is allowed to apply/have more than one loan product from the different loan product categories as long as all lending requirements are met.

The Sacco offers different loan types depending on the member’s needs. One can borrow up to 3 times his/her savings and be subject to the 2/3 net pay after loan deductions.

Loans granted by the Sacco must be fully guaranteed by members of the society. Guarantors and applicant’s shares MUST be equal to or more than the loan applied for.

1. A member can self-guarantee if the loan amount taken is less or equal to the amount of shares deposit held and must not have any other guarantor liability.

2. A member can also self-guarantee using their fixed deposits renewable after maturity but not withdrawable for the loan period.

3. Front-Office Savings (FOSA)

It takes a maximum of 2 weeks to replace the ATM card or pin.

Any member operating the FOSA Salary Account qualifies for an ATM card.

M-Kitui Teachers is the Sacco’s mobile banking service. A member can register for the service filling an application form or downloading the mobile app (K-Konnect) from the Google Playstore. You will receive a pin which you will be requested to change to your desired pin.

You can use the ATM card at any Point of Sales (POS) terminals i.e. supermarkets, fuel stations, restaurants etc. You can use it overseas at any VISA branded ATM machines and for online transactions.

4. Membership Termination

Membership withdrawal is voluntary and one needs to inform the Sacco in writing of his/her intention to withdraw. This is done by providing a written and signed letter and filled withdrawal forms available at our offices. The process takes 30 days after the letter has been acknowledged and only when the necessary requirements have been met i.e. member must have cleared all his/her liabilities with the Sacco and has replaced all the members he/she has guaranteed.

Any unanswered questions?

Send us any questions that have not been answered in the FAQs

Head office address:

Kitui Town, Kenya.

Customer Care:

+254 758 929 385

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